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9 Aug 2017

NIGERIA: Protest Against The Ailing President Takes A Sharp Turn As ‘Supposed Leader’ Collapses During Rally

 Becoming more serious than envisaged is the rally against the Nigerian President, Mohammad Buhari. Police waded in to curb the situation but I guess they couldn’t do much as expected. However the protesters seemed unperturbed and kept the rally going and showing their frustration at the President’s absence.
Self acclaimed president of the association of frustrated Nigerians, Charles Oputa aka Charly boy today bit more than he could chew after he was tear gassed by the men of the Nigerian police during the “OurMumudonDo” protest in Abuja

Charly boy being rescued after he fainted…
.The 60 year old activist began his protest against bad government months ago and already amassed a great number of followers.

The group began a campaign days ago calling on the president who is away in the UK to return or resign. Words were sent out that a protest and walk would take place in Abuja. The hashtags #Ourmumudondo and #returnorresign trended on the social media as the group marched in Abuja.

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